How to start a new scene

Setup a new scene

1 - Create a new scene

2 - Delete the default Main Camera

3 - Click in Create > JU TPS Create > Quick Scene Setup

This will create in your scene a JU Input Manager, a Game Manager and a Camera Controller.

You should replace this default camera with camera prefabs according to your game style.

Adding a JU Character

You can drag prefabs onto the scene, they are already set up and ready to go

Go to the folder (Julhiecio TPS Controller/Demos/Demo Prefabs/Game/Character Prefabs) and drag and drop the TPS Character Prefab in the scene.

Adding User Interface

To have the crosshair, inventory, health bar and etc on the screen you need a user interface, JU TPS already has prefabs ready for you to use and edit.

Go to the folder (Julhiecio TPS Controller/Prefabs/Game/UI Interfaces) drag and drop in the scene the JUTPS Default User Interface

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