How to use Armor/Cloth System

See how the armor system works below in a simple way

🟧 The armor works in a simple way, I'll use Leg Armor as an example.

🟥 As this armor has several parts, the models are distributed by the body separately so that they move correctly, and then assigned in the "Parts" parameter of the Armor.

🟩 And to use the protection system activate the "Enable Armor Protection" and assign the Damageable Body Parts in the parameter "Damageables To Protect".

Armor is a Non-Holdable Item, so it can be placed anywhere on the body, it can also be equipped, dropped and picked up like other items. You don't need to use the protection system, so you can use this component as a clothing system only. It is also not necessary to have several parts of an armor, you can separate each part as you wish, the example is to show that it is possible to use several models for only one Armor component.

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