How to create a JU Character / Reskin Default Character / Setup New Characters
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1 - Add the Humanoid Character model in scene
2 - Click on Create > JU TPS Create > Quick Setup > Player
3 - Choose the best option for your game
Advanced TPS
Add complementary components: Foot Placement, Footstep, Body Lean, Drive Vehicles, Procedural Driving Animation, Ragdoll Controller
Simple TPS
Simple setup, only JU Controller and Footstep
2.5D Sidescroller
2.5D Sidescroller Game setup (it is necessary to use a Sidescroller Camera to work normally)
TopDown games setup (it is necessary to use a Top Down Camera)
Note that you can add or remove components in any setup and configure it according to your project needs.
Locomotion Mode has three types of locomotion:
Default Locomotion, beautiful.
Use Default Inputs
Uses standard control buttons
Set Rigidbody Velocity
Move character by physics, if this is off the movement will not affect the rigidbody physics.
General Speed
General speed
Walk Speed
Walking speed
Crouch Speed
Crouched speed
Run Speed
Running speed
Sprint Max Speed
Maximum speed achievable in sprinting
Rotation Speed
Rotation speed
Jump Force
Jump force/heigh
Air Control Force
Strength that the character can move in the air
Stopping Speed
Locomotion stopping speed
Max Walkable Angle
Angles greater than this will cause the character slide.
⚠ Leave it at 0 if you use Gravity Switch system
Movement Affects Weapon Accuracy
On moving affects weapon accuracy
High Inclines Slow Down
High inclines slow down speed
⚠ Leave it off if you use Gravity Switch system
Curved Movement
Moves the character according to the current direction and not the desired direction
⚠ Leave it off if you use Gravity Switch system
Lerp Rotation
Smooth rotation
Body Lean
The body leans in curves
Root Motion
Animation controls movement
⚠ Leave it off if you use Gravity Switch system
Auto Run
Automatically run
[Auto Run] Walk On Run Button
Stop running when pressing the run button if it is already running automatically.
[Auto Run] Sprint On Run Button
When pressed the run button, it will sprint if it is already running automatically.
Enable Sprint
Enable sprinting
[Enable Sprint] Sprint Acceleration
Sprint acceleration
[Enable Sprint] Sprint Deceleration
Sprint deceleration
Decrease Speed on Jump
The character slows down when landing from a jump
Ground Layer
Layers that Ground Checker will detect as ground
The other options are basically this:
Auto Step Up is a system that makes the JU Character Controller go up stairs, similar to the "Step Offset" of the default Character Controller, but with more options.
Step Correction
Enable Step Up System
Up Step Speed
Movement speed
Step Correction Layer
Allowed layers to do step up move
Step Raycast Distance
Length of sensor ray from ground
Forward Offset
Forward sensor ray position adjustment
Step Height
Minimum step height to step up
Enable Ungrounded Step Up
Makes the character reach wall edges more easily, also prevents flickering on wall edges
UngroundedStepUp Speed
UngroundedStepUp RayDistance
Ray distance (this uses Step Raycast Distance as origin)
Stopping Time on Step Position
You can set a duration so that when your character reaches a wall edge, the character stops moving for an instant, this makes it easier to stay on top of a wall
It is not recommended to leave the Forward Offset value less than the Radius of the Capsule Collider or the Auto Step Up may not work correctly.
Fire Mode is the way the character is prepared to attack, the camera is closer, the character looks forward and wields an item.
Item Aim Rotation Center
It is Fire Mode's item rotation pivot and also handles wielding positions.
Upper Chest Bone
Upper Chest Bone
Aim Mode
This variable will define if you will have to hold the aim button or just press it once to aim
FireMode Max Time
The time it will stay in Fire Mode without interacting, but this option is only useful in Free Locomotion mode
FireMode Walk Speed
FireMode walking speed
FireMode Run Speed
FireMode running speed
FireMode Crouch Speed
FireMode crouched speed
The "Upper Chest Bone" is assigned automatically when the game starts, if the system cannot find the last bone in your character's spine, assign it manually.
If you want to create a custom animator or just edit the names of the Animator Controller parameters, this is where you'll edit.
These Unity Event options are very useful for calling functions and interacting with other GameObjects without the need for code.
Enable Ragdoll When Die
Enable ragdoll physics when character dies, click here to learn how to setup Ragdoll
On Death
Unity Event called on death
On Ressurrect
Unity Event called on ressurect/respawn
On Run
Unity Event called on start running
On Sprinting
Unity Event called on start sprinting
On Roll
Unity Event called on start rolling
On Jump
Unity Event called on jump
On Crouch
Unity Event called on crouch
On Get Up
Unity Event called on get up from crouch/prone
On Start Moving
Unity Event called on start moving
On Idle
Unity Event called on stop moving
On Enter Fire Mode
Unity Event called on enter Firing Mode
On Exit Fire Mode
Unity Event called on exit Firing Mode
On Punch
Unity Event called on start a punch
These options are very important to define the JU Character
Block Vertical Input
Block Vertical Input from locomotion, useful for sidescroller game type.
Block Horizontal Input
Block Horizontal Input from locomotion.
Block FireMode On Cursor Visible
Block FireMode when mouse cursor is visible, useful to access menu/inventory and not shoot accidentally, on mobile it makes no difference.
Block FireMode On Punching
Block FireMode when character is punching.
⚠ Leave this false if you are making a FPS Game.
Enable Punch Attacks
Enable punch attacks.
Enable Roll
Enable roll.
If it's on, the default Inputs won't be used, so you can program an AI/NPC the way you want, or just use the built-in AIs.
Enable Physical Damage
The character can dynamically take damage when impacting objects with Rigidbody, based on the mass and speed of the collided object.
Physical Damage Start At
Minimum impact intensity to cause some damage.
Physical Damage Multiplier
Physical damage intensity.
Ragdoll Start At
Minimum impact intensity for ragdolls.
Physical Damage Ignore Tags
Tags that are exceptions, which will not cause damage through physical impact.