Creating Projectiles/Bullets
To use the weapons you need bullets, see how to create bullets below
Last updated
To use the weapons you need bullets, see how to create bullets below
Last updated
In the prefabs folder already have projectile prefabs, you can just edit them to save time.
1- Set Item tag and layer to "Bullet" and Add a Rigidbody and Collider to detect collisions
2- Add the Bullet script and configure it
Bullet Velocity
Bullet Damage
Destroy Time
Destroy Delay after hit something
High Precision Collision Detection
Uses raycasting to detect collisions precisely, consumes a bit more physics processing (not relevant enough not to use)
Impact Add Force
If the collided object is a rigidbody the force of the impact will move the collided object
Enable Ricochet System
Ricochet Angle
Angle to ricochet
Max Ricochets
Max ricochets
Movement Type
Calculated: moves the bullet to the endpoint
Teleport: teleports the bullet to the end point
Physics: move the bullet to the end point
Impact FX
Here you can configure particle effects according to tags.