Change Log
changes, corrections and news of each update
Fixed Bike Wheels Inverted Rotation
Fixed Zombies Jumping on Step Up
Fixed Character Flickering on Edges
Improved Slope Slide
renamed toJUVehicleAnimatedSteerWheel
action toOnEnterVehicle
action toOnExitVehicle
, use the newStartVehicle
field instead.Now is possible enter on a vehicle without a full setup, you only need to have a vehicle and a character with
is optional.Now DriveVehicles don't use Triggers to idenfity VehicleAreas, use
property instead.
Added New Options in Step Up System tab
Added Rotation Multiplier to the
.Added a new component that allow setup character IK on vehicles when is driving,
Added option that block specific vehicles to not allow enter
.Added option on character that block the enter vehicle, see
.Added option on character that block exit from the current vehicle, see
.Added option that allow disable the character when enter on a vehicle
.Added a delay to enter and exit from a vehicle, see
.Added option that don't let get vehicles on movement, see
.Added option that don't let exit from the current vehicle on high speeds, see
.Added option that don't let enter on a vehicle if the character is moving, see
, moved to the newJUVehicleCharacterIK
Fixed some animations missing in Animator
Fixed bug of Firing Mode with items that block Firing Mode
Fixed console throwing warning "current camera not found" sometimes
Fixed Dash Addon Custom Input dont working properly
Fixed Animator of Dash Addon
Fix droped Weapons multiplying bullets
Added new State Machine Behaviour script that disable Foot Placement
VehicleEngine from Vehicle class was renamed to Engine.
Renamed engine Max Velocity to Max Forward Speed.
The ground detection is made checking the wheels ground hit instead of use a raycast.
Renamed Driver Inverse Kinematic Player Location to Character Position.
The vehicle steering wheel was removed from CarController and MotorcycleController and moved to a new script called as JuVehicleAnimatedSteerWheel.
The CenterOfMass from engine was changed from Transform to Vector3.
CarController can have more than 4 wheels, it's possible configure wheels by axles.
Renamed VehicleNitroBoost to JuVehicleNitro.
JuVehicleNitro renamed method DoNitro to UseNitro.
JuVehicleNitro renamed Nitro Force to Force.
JuVehicleNitro renamed Rechange Nitro Speed to Reload Time.
JuVehicleNitro rename Spend Nitro Speed to Use Speed.
JuGameManager renamed IsMobile to IsMobileControls.
JU Icon Generator now can create folders
For organizational reasons and ease of removing unnecessary files for the user's project, all optional JU TPS samples files(prefabs, guns, scenes and models) are moved to Demos folder
Added Cover System
Added Dash Addon
Improvements in arms IK
Improvements in Sprinting System
New Locomotion options in JU Character Controller
Added a lot of Unity Events to JU Character Controller
Added Weapon Sway options for Scope/Aim Mode (Third Person)
Added AI Toogle option to JU Character Controller
AdvancedRagdollEditor refactored.
JuGameManager now it's possible enable/disable mobile controls at any moment.
JUPauseGame renamed Paused to IsPaused.
Added option to disable/enable user pause inputs.
Added OnContinue event.
Changed Pause() behavior to only pause the game, not continue.
Added Continue() method.
Added SetPaused(paused).
CarController allow change the throttle, brake and steer by wheel axle.
MotorcycleController allow change the throttle, brake and steer by wheel.
Vehicle Arcade Rotate To Up Air Speed the speed to rotate the vehicle to up direction when on air.
Vehicle Engine Max Rear Speed
Vehicle Engine Auto Brake Force
Vehicle Engine Acceleration Curve
Vehicle Drive Pad Smooth to control the speed of the steer , brake and acceleration.
Vehicle SteerVsSpeed to make the vehicle more maneuverable on high speed.
MotorcycleController Inclination Sensitive is the sensitivity of the inclination by speed
MotorcycleController Inclination Speed is the speed to incline the motorcycle.
MotorcycleController Inclination Max Angle is the max inclination angle when in movement.
MotorcycleController Inclination Stooped Inclination is the default inclination when the motorcycle is stooped.
MotorcycleController Inclination On Grounded Drag the vehicle drag when on ground.
MotorcycleController Inclination Off Grounded Drag the vehicle drag when on air.
MotorcycleController Wheels Throttle intensity
MotorcycleController Wheels Brake intensity
MotorcycleController Loop Align with Loop Speed the speed to align the vehicle up with the loop ground normal.
JuVehicleNitro Apply Force Mode to able allow apply the nitro force directly on the rigidbody or on each wheel.
JuVehicleNitro Force Multiplier to control the nitro intensity.
JuVehicleNitro Min Amount To Use to only use the nitro if is greater than an min limit.
JuVehicleNitro Automatic Reload to allow or not reload the nitro automatically.
JuVehicleNitroStart Reload Delay A delay to start reload after use the nitro.
JuVehicleNitro Nitro Enabled Set enable the nitro control.
On Set Active Nitro event called when the nitro is activated or disabled.
VehicleJump refactored.
VehicleAIRandomDestination Random Mode allow to generated random positions relative to the world center or based on the vehicle position.
VehicleAIRandomDestination Refresh By Distance Allow to generate random positions when the vehicle is closest to the target position.
JU_UIPause Can set mouse as visible or not when enter or exit pause screen.
JU_UIPause Can open the game settings inside pause screen.
JU_UIPause Can load game menu or exit game
JUGameSettings has action when the settings are applied.
JUGameSettings can set the render scale.
JUGameSettings can set the graphics quality.
JUGameSettings can Invert the camera vertical orientation.
JUGameSettings can Invert the camera horizontal orientation.
JUGameSettings can set the camera rotation sensitive.
JUGameSettings can change the audio volume.
JU_UISettings the user can access all settings from the JUGameSettings in the UI.
JU_UITabs allow the user configure different tabs in a UI.
JuCameraController added Invert Horizontal.
JuCameraController added Invert Vertical.
JuDamager now is possible configure which JUDamagers will show damage info on UI.
JuDamager now is possible set colliders to ignore collision.
TPSControllerEditor refactored.
InventoryUIManagerEditor refactored.
JUGameManager refactored.
SceneController refactored.
SceneController add ability to access respawn position on SceneController API.
JuCharacterController fixed logs of look direction in side scrolling demo.
JuCharacterController exposed the UseDefaultInputs int the script editor.
JuDamager fixed error on hit on a object and not have audio to play "hit sound".
Fixed Ragdoll when collide driving a vehicle.
Fix error on try setup a character that already have a Rigidbody component.
JuInventory fixed inventory state up updating after switch HoldableItem.
PatrolAI fixed error when patrol try access invalid waypoint.
AimOnMousePosition Fixed 2D Player Crosshair layer not working.
Crashing with Odin Inspector
Flickering because sprinting system
Icon Resources build error
Mobile access in mobile build error
Fixed double roll bug when pressing the roll button twice quickly
Vehicle Ground Check.
JuVehicleNitro Rigidbody to Boost is obtained automatically on start game.
JuVehicleNitro nitro Particle.
JuVehicleNitro removed Nitro Bar, now the Nitro is a clamped between 0 and 1.
3.0.42 (Day 16/Month 08/Year 2023)
-Added Anti Gun Clipping Script (PreventGunClipping.cs)
-Fixed Weird Wielding Positioning with Dual Pistols
-Fixed AI Invalid Path error in demo scenes
-Fixed IK Hint problem
3.0.4 (Day 06/Month 08/Year 2023)
[ NEW ]
-UMA Integration / Fixed Issues with dynamic avatars
-Added a JUButton Attribute in JUHeader Class (create a button in inspector without need custom editors)
-Added option to Auto-Equip picked up items
-Added Pause Game feature
-Added Infinite Ammo Option
-Added Resizable Capsule Collider System
-Added URP Materials Package to Addon Installer
-Block FireMode On Cursor Visible option changed to false by default (Note: It is recommended to activate the option when adding a menu or inventory in the UI)
-Better Auto Step Up System (maybe you need to lower the step up speed)
-Fix JUFootStep Load Default Footstep Audio Clips Bug
-Refactored Auto Step Up System
-Fixed character stuck in edges in new movement mode.
-Fix Mobile Jump Button Dont Working
-Fixed bug of Player moving automatically without pressing any inputs in some devices
-Fix AI hunting player without seeing them
-Fix problem with bullet direction in TopDown Mode
-Fix weird transition in jump when character prone
3.0.3 (Day 02/Month 07/Year 2023)
-New Double Jump Addon
-New Sprinting and Locomotion Options
-New Lean Body Options (Characters with different rigs(like POLYGON/Synty Studio characters) are now supported without weird body leaning.)
-New option to decrease character speed on jump
-Better Jump
-Better Bullet Trajectory
-Fixed Physical Damage Bug(the car did not kill zombies)
-Fixed the General Holdable Item Component not appearing
-Fixed JUCharacterSettingsDrawer.cs Error on game build.
3.0.2 (Day 17/Month 06/Year 2023)
-Added Vehicle Engine Sound System
-Added Physical Damage System (You can now kill by hitting with the vehicle)
-Call more easily Ragdoll System
3.0.1 (Day 14/Month 06/Year 2023)
-Small improvements and fixes
3.0.0 (Day 09/Month 06/Year 2023)
-almost all code rewritten from previous version (JU TPS 2.8)
Last updated